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Buenos Aires Aug 23 Prensa Latina

Argentine organizations denounce neglect of vulnerable sectors

Buenos Aires, Aug 23 (Prensa Latina)

The Argentine movement Somos Barrios de Pie confirmed that it will hold a protest in front of the National Congress on Thursday to denounce the lack of policies for the most vulnerable sectors in the country.

In dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing, we highlighted that repealing the Rental Law would leave more than 10 million tenants at the mercy of the market, said the organization's leader, Silvia Saravia.

Buenos Aires, Feb 17 (Prensa Latina)

Members of the Piquetero Struggle Front and cooks from soup kitchens in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of La Boca rejected the criminalization of social protest and the persecution of popular leaders.

The alignment developed in this experience is expected to influence highlighting issues to go along with political, trade union, social, and student demands, said a statement from the Piquetero organizations.

Panama, March 23, 2022 (Migrants host communities and indigenous populations trust in local)

Enforcement of the national quarantine produced a rise in police brutality including several deaths with young people from poor neighborhoods as victims, said the Argentine Coordinator for the Prevention of Institutional Violence (Coppvi).

Argentina is an example of good social protection coverage in general terms that coexists with a fragmented nature of...
